Welcome to Holy Trinity Church
Jesus said "Come, follow me"

We are a church in the heart of Aldershot made up of people from different backgrounds and a whole range of life experiences. We are each exploring what it means to be a Christian and you would be very welcome to join us. If you have found faith or just inquisitive it doesn't matter - we are a church for everyone!

Weekly Services
Worship Service
Communion Service
On Sunday 5th June our service is at 9.30am before our
Jubilee Street Party at 12.30pm
Sunday -10.30am
Our main service is on Sunday morning at 10.30am.
The children join in the first part of the service and then head off to their groups, according to age. There will always be someone around to show you and your children where to go.
On a regular basis we have Intergenerational Services on Sundays for all ages to worship together.
The services are a mix of traditional and contemporary that often includes communion as part of our worship.
We have our own worship band but also use pre recorded videos and songs as well.
Occasionally we combine with the Nepali Christian Church, who also worship at Holy Trinity on Sundays, for a joint service.
Wednesday - 11.15am
Every Wednesday, we hold a mid week Communion Service.
It follows a traditional format with a message, hymns and contemporary worship songs.
You would be very welcome!